Free Website Translator


My tutorial translated by Kniri into German

My tutorial translated by Anja into Dutch

My tutorial translated by Sognografica into Italian


Thank you so much for the superb translations!



The present tutorial is my own personal creation.

Any resemblance to another tutorial is purely a coincidence.

Please respect my work.

It is intended for personal use only and it is forbidden to copy part or all of it.

You can use this tutorial for PSP lessons but please put the link back to it.

Do not hesitate to let me know if you have any problem with the present tutorial.



Materials used:

Disclaimer: Modifying or renaming files or removing watermarks from the tubes of the original tubers provided in the materials
and sharing them as your own or using them for sale online or otherwise is prohibited.

1 character tube by Alies
1 misted tube by Silke
1 background image of my own
1 wordart tube of my own
1 gradient
2 masks
2 selections


Plugins used:

AAA Frames - Foto Frame
VanDerLee - Unplugged X
I.C.NET Software - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope
Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Backlight

Note: Plugins - Simple and ScreenWorks - can be used alone and can also be imported into Filters Unlimited 2.0



The present tutorial is written with PSP 2018 Ultimate, if you work with other versions some things might be different but the result will be the same.


Note: In the latest versions of PSP the command Image-Mirror has become Image - Mirror - Mirror Horizontal
and Image-Flip has become Image - Mirror - Mirror Vertical




Duplicate all the tubes and work with the copies to preserve the originals.

Place the selections into your Selections folder of PSP

Double click on the Alien Skin Eye Candy 5: Backlight preset provided in the materials and it will automatically install in the appropriate filter for your PSP



Colors used:

Note: If you use your own background image choose one color as Foreground color and one color as Background color.
When working with your own colors, adjust the Blend Mode/Opacity at your own discretion

Material Properties - Foreground: Set your Foreground color to color 1 #5582ad

Material Properties - Foreground: Set your Foreground color to the gradient provided in the materials - style Linear - Angle 0 and Repeats 0

Material Properties - Background: Set your Background color to color 2 #ffffff


The Tutorial

Step 1

File - New - Open a new Transparent image 900 x 600 pixels

Selections - Select All

Open the background image - mnbackgroundbg

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste - Paste into Selection on your working image

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur (Radius 30)

Effects - Reflection Effects - Rotating Mirror


Step 2

Layers - New Raster Layer

Flood fill tool / Fill in the layer with the Linear gradient provided (mngradient4.PspGradient)

In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Soft light


Step 3

Effects - Plugins - AAA Frames - Foto Frame


Step 4

Effects - Plugins - Simple - Diamonds

Effects - Plugins - Simple - Zoom out and Flip

Effects - Plugins - Simple - Piza Slice Mirror


Step 5

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror

In your Layer Properties - set the Opacity to 50

Layers - Merge - Merge Down


Step 6

Effects - Plugins - VanDerLee - UnPlugged-X - Defocus - default settings

Effects - Edge Effects - Enhance

Effects - Plugins - <I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - &<Bkg Kaleidoscope - Swirl Away Whirl


Step 7

Layers - New Raster Layer

Flood fill tool /Fill in the Layer with the Background Color color 2 -white #ffffff

Open mask - Narah_mask_0473

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image (Invert mask data not checked)

Layers - Merge - Merge Group

Image - Flip

Image - Mirror

In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Luminance (Legacy)

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (0/0 /75/45) color 3 - #234858 - Shadow on new layer not checked


Step 8

Open tube - SKF_Flower117.07

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image

Activate the Pick Tool (K) - Enter these values for positions X and Y on the Toolbar:
X 516 Y -75


Step 9

Open tube - Alies 11VR27-woman-09112012

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image

Activate the Pick Tool (K) - Enter these values for positions X and Y on the Toolbar:
X 14 Y24

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (0/0/75/ 45) color 3 - #234858 - Shadow on new layer not checked


Step 10

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Disk 

Load selection - mnsel1_myway

Flood Fill Tool (F) - set the Opacity to 50

Fill in the selection with Background color 2 - white #ffffff

(Don't forget to set the opacity back to 100)


Step 11

Effects - Plugins - Alien Skin - Eye Candy 5 - Backlight

In the User Settings look for preset - mn_MyWay_Backlight - provided in the materials - and click OK

Note: If the Preset doesn't work for you, use these settings in the Basic Tab:

Selections - Select None

Adjust - Sharpness- Sharpen


Step 12

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave


Step 13

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling


Step 14

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load Selection From Disk 

Load selection - mnsel2_myway

Press Delete on your keyboard

Selections - Select None


Step 15

Effects - Plugins - ScreenWorks - Point Array
Effects - Plugins - <I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - ScreenWorks - Point Array


Step 16

Open mask - !!!!.mask.ket-fadesuave-1

Layers - New Mask Layer - From Image (Invert mask data not checked)

Layers - Duplicate

Layers - Merge - Merge Group


Step 17

Layers - Arrange - Move this layer (Group-Raster 5) down under the mask layer Group-Raster 3

In your Layer Properties - set the Blend mode to Dodge and the Opacity to 35


Step 18

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked color 1 #5582ad

Image - Add Borders - 3 px - Symmetric checked color 2 #ffffff

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked color 1 #5582ad


Step 19

Selections - Select All

Image - Add Borders - 40 px - Symmetric checked color 2 #ffffff

Selections - Invert

Flood fill tool / Fill in the Selection with the Linear style gradient provided in the materials


Step 20

Effects - Plugins - I.C.NET Software - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - Bkg Kaleidoscope - Swirl Away - Whirl 32


Step 21

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur (Radius 30)


Step 22

Effects - Plugins - ScreenWorks - Point Array
Effects - Plugins - <I.C.NET Software> - Filters Unlimited 2.0 - ScreenWorks - Point Array


Step 23

Selections - Invert

Effects - 3D Effects - Drop Shadow (0/0/55/35/) color black - #000000 - Shadow on new layer not checked

Selections - Select None


Step 24

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked color 1 #5582ad

Image - Add Borders - 3 px - Symmetric checked color 2 #ffffff

Image - Add Borders - 1 px - Symmetric checked color 1 #5582ad


Step 25

Open tube wordart - mntext

Edit - Copy

Edit - Paste - Paste As New Layer on your working image

Activate the Pick Tool (K) - Enter these values for positions X and Y on the Toolbar:
X:530.00 Y: 500.00

Note: With a font of your choice you may add your own text and position it wherever you like.


Step 26

Layers - New Raster Layer

Add your name or watermark

Layers - Merge - Merge All (Flatten)

Image - Resize - 900 pixels width (the height will adapt)

File - Export - Save as JPG file



I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.



Your Versions


Thank you so much Kniri for your magnificent version


Thank you so much Sternchen for your magnificent version


Thank you so much Anja for your magnificent version


Thank you so much Isabella (Sognografica) for your magnificent version


Thank you so much Jolcsi for your magnificent version



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